Patients' Rights
Pursuant to Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on healthcare services and conditions of their provision, you are entitled to the following:
- To receive health services at an appropriate professional level, i.e. in accordance with scientific rules and recognised medical procedures, having respect for the patient's individuality and in consideration of specific conditions and objective possibilities.
- To be respected and treated in a dignified and considerate manner and to have your privacy respected when receiving medical services.
- To choose a medical facility according to your needs, apart from the exceptions stipulated by law.
- To request consultations with another health facility/health professional, apart from exceptions stipulated by law.
- To be familiarised with the Hospital's Internal Guidelines which are readily available in the common areas of the hospital.
- Continual presence of a legal representative/ person authorised by the representative, foster parent and/ or another person specified by court, unless the presence of such persons interferes with the provision of medical services.
- To be informed in advance about the cost of any medical services provided which are not covered or which are only partially covered by public health insurance, and to be informed about the method of payment.
- To know the names and surnames of health professionals and other professionals and students/ interns who directly participate in the provision of care to you.
- To refuse the presence of students, interns and persons who do not directly participate in the provision of care.
- To receive visits in consideration of your health condition and in accordance with the Hospital's Internal Regulations and in a manner which does not violate the rights of other patients.
- During your hospital stay, to receive spiritual care and support from churches and religious societies registered in the Czech Republic in a manner which does not violate the rights of other patients.
- To receive health services in a comfortable environment where quality and safety are ensured.
- If you suffer from a sensory/ physical disability and use a specially trained dog (i.e. a guide or assistance dog), you will be entitled to be accompanied by and keep the dog with you during your hospital stay in a manner which does not violate the rights of other patients.
- To communicate in a way which is understandable to you using a form of communication of your choice, including interpreting by another person.
- Any healthcare interference may only be performed on condition that you grant your free and informed consent.
- You may freely withdraw your consent at any time. This does not apply to situations where isolation, quarantine or compulsory therapy are ordered under the Public Health Protection Act.
- You are entitled to specify a person who will be informed of your health condition, including the scope of provided information, and you are also entitled to forbid the provision of information to specified persons.
- You are entitled to receive all information on your health condition, to refuse information on your health condition, to consult your health documentation in the presence of a health professional and to receive excerpts or copies of your health documents.
- Information on your health condition or on the health condition of a dependant and on the intended treatment will usually be provided by the treating physician. Upon your consent, he/ she will also be entitled to provide the information to persons you specify.