Department of Immunology

Department of Immunology


The Department of Immunology performs specialised laboratory diagnostics in the field of humoral and cellular immunity; genetic matching tests in the HLA segment are performed between the donor and the recipient of the transplanted organ or bone marrow. Immunological examinations are performed for patients from the University Hospital Olomouc as well as for patients from specialised outpatient departments in the catchment area (especially from allergological, rheumatological, gastroenterological and haematological outpatient departments).

Individual laboratories use a wide range of modern examination procedures, such as ELISA methods, nephelometry, indirect immunofluorescence, fluoroimmunoassay, flow cytometry, serological and molecular genetic techniques of HLA typing (PCR-SSP, sequencing).

HLA laboratories also work as donor centres for voluntary bone marrow donors in cooperation with the Czech National Register of Bone Marrow Donors in Plzeň.

Where to find us - Department of Immunology

Map of the Olomouc University Hospital
Department of Immunology

Building Zp - Teoretické ústavy
Phone 585 632 376